Friday, January 3, 2014

What exactly is Lupus

Lupus is a disease associated with the immune system. The body's defense mechanisms is a protective process in the human body that battles off foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses and germs. Humans have B cells that manufacture proteins called antibodies and they are the primary defense in protecting the body from harmful invaders. When Lupus is present, the body’s immune system cannot know the difference between the healthy tissue and cells from that of the harmful invaders. The system produces autoantibodies, and they stay in the body more than needed. This causes an attack on the healthy cells which results in various symptoms which can cause pain, swelling, rashes, heat, swelling and damaged tissues.

About 1.5 to 2 million Americans have problems with some type of lupus, based on the Lupus Foundation of America. Women in the 15 to 45 year-old age group are 9 times more prone to contract lupus than men, while bigger fatality rates and more severe signs and symptoms are recorded in African American females. Lupus is believed to have a genetic component that can run through families. The condition can negatively affect any area of the body, such as the joints, skin and internal organs. Chronic conditions are those who last longer than six weeks and up to many or more years.

Lupus Forms

The typical type of lupus is called Systemic Lupus, or SLE. This range is the most critical form and might affect many areas of the body, including the joints, skin and tendons. It can propagate in the bodily organs, like the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs and may even attack the blood. Advanced cases can show up in several areas simultaneously.

Discoid lupus (DLE) is generally restricted to the skin and causes scarring of the tissue due to lesions and skin ulcers. Discoid lupus looks like a deep rash on the neck, scalp and face. A percentage, about 10 %, develop to the more serious SLE form, but the transfer is very tough to detect. A sub-type of SLE is SCLE which means Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. The SCLE form is just like SLE, but milder in that it does not create tissue scars.

Neonatal lupus is a condition in which the mother passes the infection into the fetus. Certain medicines may also trigger a effect and produce signs a lot like systemic lupus, however the symptoms disappear once the medication is halted.

Lupus Symptoms

Lupus disease symptoms might take various routes, producing a number of problems and discomforts. The most common maladies include swelling and pain in the joints, ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, finger joints and often the neck region. This could lead to mobility troubles in normal routines, including grasping objects, lifting, walking up stairs, running and also other activities. The skin is commonly colored with red or light purple rashes which take place on the face in and around the nose and cheek area. The rashes might cause irritation, itching and sensitivity to the touch. Your skin layer often becomes utra-sensitive to the UV light of the sun, aggravating the symptoms when persons are in direct sunlight. Muscle pain and fatigue are often times misdiagnosed when in fact they could be directly because of lupus.

Internal symptoms may involve the blood which could prematurely clot, triggering vascular problems in the veins and capillaries. Moderate or severe kidney problems may appear, inducing pain in the lower abdomen and urinary tract. A fever and anemia is a common symptom, not to be confused with the common cold or influenza. Many of the more direct symptoms that cause doctors to suspect lupus aside from the most generally known ones are deficiencies in the iron count, complications with the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis), lung inflammations, seizures and complications with the renal system.

Lupus Treatment

The direct reason for lupus is not completely known, but there are numerous theories that it is passed through the hereditary line. You will find agreements that it can be induced by medicine or reactions to particular chemicals. Other indications are that it may be related to mental stress, certain infections and perhaps hormonal imbalances, as in the situation of women that are pregnant. It is not rare for the disease to go undiagnosed for months, enabling it advance into much more serious and life-threatening stages. Diagnoses consists of full blood tests, investigation of family medical history and skin biopsy. Regrettably, there is no permanent cure for the disease. It can merely be contained and treated to lessen pain and flare-ups. Skin is helped by corticosteroid creams to ease pain minimizing scarring. Doctors such as from Asian American Medical Group AAMG may suggest anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce swelling. Lupus which has infected the inner organs must be treated by specialists.

The most popular and basic lupus treatment rest with the affected individual. This simply means lupus patients must change life-style routines by eating properly and taking enough nutritional vitamins. They must exercise regularly to help keep the bodily functions working at peak performance. Sunlight exposure must be reduced. Proper rest and a stress-free environment are needed to reduce further outbreaks and additional complications.

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